Jens Vygen
[Information for Students]
Brief Biography:
Jens Vygen has been Professor of Discrete Mathematics at the University of Bonn since 2003.
He held guest positions in Grenoble, Paris, and Zurich and has been a member of the
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics since its foundation.
His work comprises many aspects of combinatorial optimization and its applications,
notably to chip design and vehicle routing, where he has been directing
large-scale and long-term industrial cooperations.
He has supervised more than 20 PhD students, including Vera Traub,
and approximately 200 undergraduate and graduate students in total.
He has co-authored three books: on Combinatorial Optimization,
Algorithmic Mathematics, and
Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problems.
He organized several workshops, conferences, summer schools, and a HIM trimester program.
He has served in various steering and program committees,
and has been co-editor of several scientific journals and books.
He received a faculty teaching award and best paper awards at SODA and IPCO.