Bernhard Korte     Jens Vygen

Combinatorial Optimization

Theory and Algorithms

Algorithms and Combinatorics 21

Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo Paris Milano

  • First Edition 2000
  • Second Edition 2002
  • Japanese Edition 2005
  • Third Edition 2006
  • Fourth Edition 2008
  • German Edition 2008
  • Second Japanese Edition 2009
  • French Edition 2010
  • Italian Edition 2011
  • Fifth Edition 2012
  • Second German Edition 2012
  • Chinese Edition 2014 (Science Press China)
  • Russian Edition 2015 (Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education)
  • Second French Edition 2018
  • Sixth Edition 2018
  • Third German Edition 2018
  • Third Japanese Edition 2022
Preface and Table of Contents (6th edition)

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List of Updates and Errors of the Sixth Edition

All entries in the following list refer to the sixth edition. Any additional comments are welcome.

Page Line Comment
38 24 Replace 1958 by 1758.
58 14 Replace "min" by "max".
92 12 Replace "the system $Ax\le b$" by "the system describing $P$".
138 35 Replace $k \ge 1$ by $k \ge 2$.
141 9 Replace c(e):=0 by c'(e):=0.
153 13-16 The inequality system in Exercise 20 is not correct. A correct version is: $x_e\ge 0$ ($e\in E(G)$), $z_{r,u,v}\ge 0$ ($\{u,v\}\in E(G), r\in V(G)$), $\sum_{e\in E(G)}x_e=n-1$, $x_e=z_{r,u,v}+z_{r,v,u}$ ($e=\{u,v\}\in E(G)$, $r\in V(G)$), and $\sum_{\{u,v\}\in\delta(v)} z_{r,u,v}=1$ ($v\in V(G)$, $r\in V(G)\setminus \{v\}$).
169 34 Replace arborescence by tree.
204 24 One must require $c \ge c'$ in Exercise 6.
289 39 Replace $\sigma(\rho^{k_v}(v)):=r_j$ by $\sigma(\rho^{k_v-1}(v)):=r_j$.
291 10 Replace $\epsilon_3=0$ by $\epsilon_2=0$.
303 25-27 The full version of the paper by Gabow [1990] appeared in ACM Transactions on Algorithms 14 (2018), Article 39.
324 1-3 The full version of the paper by Gabow [1983] appeared in ACM Transactions on Algorithms 14 (2018), Article 39.
351 30,31 Replace $X$ by $X_k$.
354 31 Replace "r(X)=" by "r'(X)=".
360 33 We need $y\not= z$ here.
365 6 Replace E(G) by E.
378 10 The right-hand side of this inequality should be $\max \{ \sum_{t=(p,A,B)\in T_{i-1}} p x_t \Delta_B, \sum_{t=(p,A,B)\in T_{i-1}} p (1-x_t) \Delta_A \}$. This is sufficient because either $\Exp[f(O_{i-1})-f(O_i)] \le x_t \Delta_B$ for all $(p,A,B)\in T_{i-1}$ or $\Exp[f(O_{i-1})-f(O_i)] \le (1-x_t) \Delta_A$ for all $(p,A,B)\in T_{i-1}$; see the proof of (14.4).
379 32 In Exercise 10, one must require $f(\emptyset)=0$.
379 38 In Exercise 11,  f  should be integer-valued.
381 30 Replace "$f$ and any $g_C$" by "$g$ and any $f_C$".
382 26-28 The paper by Buchbinder and Feldman [2016] appeared in ACM Transactions on Algorithms 14 (2018), Article 14.
434 3 A factor 1/2 is missing on the left-hand side of the inequality.
460 21-22 The half-sentence "which is better..." makes no sense and should be deleted.
480 7 Replace (U,V,W,T) by (P,Q,R,T).
485 3 The second sum should go from 1 to h-1.
533 29 This line should read: "Set $E(G):=\delta_{G'}(X)$ and $E(H):=E(G')\setminus\delta_{G'}(X)$."
552 13 Replace G+f by G[T]+f.
557 21 We can choose $Y^*_k$ to be an optimum Steiner tree here.
558 13 The second sum should of course go over $C\in\delta^+_{\mathcal{C}^k}(U)$.
573/574 19/25 Lemma 20.38 and Theorem 20.39 also hold when f can have negative values (which can happen when we apply the Theorem).
584 33 We set $x'_e:=\frac{1}{1-\alpha}x_e$.
628 28-29 The paper by Svensson, Tarnawski and Végh [2017] appeared in the Journal of the ACM 67 (2020), Article 37.
628 30-32 The paper by Traub and Vygen [2018] appeared in the Journal of the ACM 66 (2019), Article 14.
630 29-30 Replace "greater than 1" by "greater than 2".

Last change: January 9, 2025. Thanks to Takao Asano, Jannis Blauth, Lukas Bonfert, Ulrich Brenner, Marc Goerigk, Stephan Held, Felix Horchler, Solomon Lo, Marc Pfetsch, Stefan Rabenstein, Rabe von Randow, Rudolf Scheifele, Jannik Silvanus, Vera Traub, Shi-Chun Tsai, Dingwen Yuan, and all people reporting errors in the future! Please e-mail to Jens Vygen.