Jens Vygen:
[English Homepage]
[Deutsche Homepage]
Information for Current Students in Bonn:
- Courses:
See here for links to my courses
and their exams.
- Textbooks:
Information concerning our introductory textbook "Algorithmic Mathematics"
(German and English) can be found here.
Information concerning our advanced textbook "Combinatorial Optimization",
which is used in many of our courses, can be found here.
There is also a German edition.
Information concerning our most recent book "Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problems"
can be found here.
- Technical Questions:
If you have any technical questions, please consult
our information website
and the relevant Prüfungsordnung first.
If your question is not answered then, send me an e-mail
explaining your situation in detail, or visit me in
my office (see below).
- Student positions:
We have a quite large number of positions for students.
If you are good at discrete mathematics and like programming,
working in one of our projects with industrial cooperation partners
could be a very interesting possibility.
We also have some other student positions, e.g., for teaching exercise classes,
in system administration,
and in our library. Contact me if you are interested.
- Bachelor's or Master's Theses:
If you are interested in writing your thesis
in Discrete Mathematics, please contact me (or one of my colleagues) as early as possible.
See here for general topics of research projects.
- Other Questions:
Please send me an e-mail or visit me in my office. I am usually available
on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m., or after my lectures, or by e-mail appointment.
Information for Prospective Students and Applicants:
Due to the large number of applications,
I will not answer all applications that are sent by e-mail.
Please read the following, and then send your application
to the appropriate address.
- Internships:
I am sorry, but I do not offer internships.
Due to the large number of applications,
I will not answer such requests.
- Bachelor's and Master's Programs:
Please do not send me applications directly,
but rather contact the appropriate office for
computer science.
- Doctoral Studies / PhD Program:
You can send me your application directly at any time.
Applications should contain at least
a curriculum vitae and (an address to download) the bachelor's
and/or master's thesis (in discrete mathematics or a related area).
Please also include any further relevant information
(such as publications, grades, recommendation letters,
programming skills, English language certificates, GRE results).
Note that the
Bonn International Graduate School
in Mathematics (BIGS)
also offers various possibilities.
- Postdocs:
See the HCM
Postdoc Positions or send me your application.