Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics

Exercise class for the course "Combinatorial Optimization"

Winter Term 2017/18

Tuesdays, from 16:00 (s.t.) to 17:30 in the Seminarraum, Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics.

Exercise sets:

Programming exercise 1:

Programming exercise 2:

Other resources:

Current news:

  • Solutions are submitted on Thursdays, before the lecture.
  • Submissions typeset in LaTeX are welcome via email to the tutor, but the same deadline applies.
  • Solutions may be submitted in groups of up to two students.
  • There will be two programming exercises.
  • Students need to achieve both at least 50 % of the points in the theoretical exercises and at least 50 % of the points in the programming exercises.

  • Tutor: Jannik Silvanus